In the world of music festivals, Coachella is one of the most anticipated events of the year, drawing thousands of attendees worldwide. However, the excitement turned...
Frank Ocean is ready to make his directorial debut. He wrote a screenplay titled “Philly” (as of right now). Filming is supposedly starting this fall in...
Frank Ocean paid tribute to designer Virgil Abloh in a heartfelt statement following his death yesterday. LVMH announced Abloh had waged a private battle with cancer....
Thirty-three-year-old singer and songwriter Frank Ocean has made headlines this week with news of his return to the music industry. It has been five years since Frank’s last...
A Debate That Left Many Angry Left Frank Ocean With A Voter Registration Initiative Tuesday’s debate did not leave any side of the political spectrum happy,...
Is There A Secret Frank Ocean Project In The Works? If there is one thing beyond music that contemporary R&B artist, Frank Ocean, can do, it’s...
The wait is over .. we think !
Frank Ocean Will Release Third Album in July! Frank Ocean posted the following on both his Tumblr and website (which has crashed) The Grammy-award winning artist...
August 1st marked the return of Dissect’s “Last Song Standing.” Yes, after a hype season one where Cole Cuchna and Charles Holmes fully dissect Kendrick Lamar’s...
The CFO of Bed Bath & Beyond, Gustavo Arnal, died after allegedly committing suicide. The incident took place in Tribeca at around 1 p.m. on Sep...