In a recent interview with Elle UK, Lizzo, also known as Melissa Viviane Jefferson, during a moment of transparency, expounded upon her younger years before success...
Lizzo is back and has released her highly-anticipated fourth studio album, “Special,” via Atlantic. The 12-track LP includes her chart-topping song “About Damn Time” and “Special,” which...
On the most recent episode of Saturday Night Live, Lizzo proved that not only is she a talented singer, dancer, and flutist, she also has excellent...
Lizzo has created a shapewear line called Yitty. The singer and body positivity activist recently partnered with Fabletics Inc. to launch Yitty, which refers to her...
Singer and flutist Lizzo has conquered the world of music, and now, she’s making her spot in fashion and helping women gain their confidence. A Tempting...
It looks like Lizzo had some words for Texas lawmakers Sunday night. The Truth Hurts singer was the keynote speaker at South by Southwest, Austin’s annual cultural...
Death to the haters! Lizzo has never backed down from an outfit, no matter the hate. Her detractors always seem to bring up the same putdown:...
The Proud Family is finally getting a reboot, with some new and exciting voice actors as guest stars. Some of hip-hop’s biggest names are slated for...
The Grammy award-winning pop star ‘Lizzo’ is facing some backlash on her views of who are pop music’s head honchos. Lizzo tweeted out, “King of Pop...
Famed “Rumors” artist, Lizzo is encouraging her massive fanbase to collectively assist in aiding people in Haiti and Afghanistan. On August 14, Haiti suffered a 7.2...