Not long after Mike Tyson’s viral confrontation with Boosie Badazz over his transphobic remarks regarding Dwayne Wade’s daughter, Wade has publicly commented on the matter. On a recent episode of Hotboxin’ With Mike Tyson, Boosie was pressed by Tyson on comments he made earlier this year about Zaya Wade, ultimately stating he should “shut up” these sorts of issues.
In a new interview with Central Ave, Dwayne Wade thanked Iron Mike for speaking up, stating:
“I actually talked to Mike bout that earlier in the pandemic. We had a conversation and I appreciated it from a standpoint of Mike is someone who has never tried to be perfect. He is someone who has learned from this journey of life. He’s so smart. He’s so educated and knowledgeable about life and for him to be able to drop that nugget on the world, to me it was great to hear him say that.”
Check out the clip where Dwayne Wade speaks about Tyson here!
Harrison Kramer | IG @Harrison_Kramer | Twitter @HarrisonKramer1
Related stories: Mike Tyson Confronts Boosie Badazz Over Transphobic Remarks