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Kid Cudi Leaves Rolling Loud Performance After Disrespectful Fan Throws Bottle At Him



Kid Cudi Rolling Loud Set Cut Off By The Artist
Kid Cudi performing at Rolling Loud. Image source: TMZ.

On Friday of the 2022 Rolling Loud Festival, Kid Cudi left the Rolling Loud stage during his set. The artist was infuriated at fans throwing objects on stage at him. He repeatedly voiced his feelings toward their behavior and warned them about leaving if it continued.

Kid cudi, Ye. Images’ source: Entertainment Tonight.

Cudi’s Last Minute Appearance

Kid Cudi appeared at the Rolling Loud festival as a fill-in for Ye (Kanye West) after Ye told festival promoters and the media that he was no longer attending. Cudi came regardless of the last-minute opportunity to perform there. Rolling Loud made it clear that they admired having him. However, the fans of the festival disagreed. Fans on Twitter taunted him and made negative remarks about wanting Ye to be there instead of him.

Cudi responded to the fans in the audience who were also posting on Twitter about his performance, saying:

“I will f**king leave … If I get hit with one more f**king thing — if I see one more f**king thing on this f**king stage, I’m leaving!”

The fans showed no remorse for his feelings before, during, and after Cudi left. People were still throwing things at him as he walked off stage.

Surprise Appearance From Ye

Donda Rapper and Fashion Designer Ye made a surprising yet deceitful appearance at Rolling Loud moments after Cudi’s set. He came out to perform on stage with Lil Durk immediately after Durk’s performance. Fans got excited about his unexpected arrival after he canceled on short notice. Fans and the Media suspected that his actions amidst Cudi’s set were in response to their feud with Ye. The latter is not a fan of Cudi’s friendship with his ex-wife’s current boyfriend, Pete Davidson. Ye made significant headlines and album sales with this feud and performance last night.

For more news on Cudi’s short Rolling Loud performance and his feud with Ye, continue to tune in to FMHipHop for more info.

Written by: Zacchaeus Heyward | Snapchat: Prophetzacc22 | Twitter: @Prophetzacc22

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