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The Artist Formerly Known as Kanye West Makes Headlines on the Daily Show for his Name Change to “Ye”



Trevor Noah discusses Kanye's name change to "Ye"

As of Monday the 18th of October, the artist Kanye West no longer exists. On that date, the Supreme Court confirmed that Kanye West had formally changed his legal name to “Ye.” One word, no middle name, no last name. Although well within his rights to do so, the change sparked interest among both fans and news outlets. The seemingly inconsequential change has even overshadowed stories with serious monetary substance, such as Ye losing his $60 million house to Kim Kardashian in their divorce. Most recently, Ye was made the subject of comedy and light-hearted criticism on an episode of the Daily Show, which aired on October 20th.

Vaccines, Booty Shorts, and Orgies, Oh My

The artist formerly known as Kanye West found himself tacked onto the end of a segment where Noah discussed other pressing issues, such as the length of the shorts worn by Hooters waitresses and the questionable legality of recording your neighbor’s orgy and playing them back on live TV. Suffice to say, this particular episode was not particularly serious, and not particularly scathing. It seems pretty clear that no one was seriously intending to insult Ye. Instead, the Daily Show poked fun at yet another of Ye’s… odd choices, which recently includes a bold new hairstyle.

Call me Ishmael, Call me Ye

The process of changing one’s legal name is surprisingly difficult and long. Proceedings for Ye’s name change began back in August. At the same time, this perhaps indicates that Ye is serious about this change; at the very least it could not have been a spur-of-the-moment decision.  And Ye is well within his rights to request others call him his name of preference. As Noah points out, “I mean think about it; why should someone else get to choose the thing that you’re called?” In a moment of rare clarity among what was the insanity of her character that evening, Noah’s co-host, Desi, elaborated on the matter, pointing out, “It’s not that big of a deal that Kanye’s changing his name. Celebrities have been giving themselves nicknames forever.”

The main point of contention regarding Ye’s name change was his own stated reason for it. West became Ye for “personal reasons.” Specifically, he “believed Ye to be the most common word in the Bible.” This was scathingly mocked by the late-night host. “What does he mean that he believes ‘ye’ is the most commonly used word in the Bible? […] This particular thing is not a belief. It’s something you can count. And ‘ye’ is not remotely the most common word in the Bible.”

You can check out the complete Daily Show segment here:

by Chris Colasurdo
@cfcolasurdo on Twitter

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