The rumor mill had people itching to see something pop off between The Game and Jay-Z. According to rumors, Game was incensed by not being picked for the lineup of halftime performers for the Super Bowl. Reportedly, the artist was so hot under the collar that he told Jay-Z “to suck his d***!” And, of course, the social media sheep ate up every single word.
The Game Teaches A Lesson
Most know by now what passes for information on social media is like information passed along in a game of telephone. By the time the information comes full circle, the story is completely twisted. In this case, not only is the news twisted but flat-out fabricated. According to The Game, he didn’t say anything remotely close to the trending news. In fact, he hasn’t had anything to say on the matter. In his reaction to hearing what he said was
“Don’t nobody speak for ‘The Game’ except for ‘The Game.’ I ain’t had no conversation with nobody regarding Jay-Z and the Super Bowl [halftime show] he put together.
He couldn’t put it any clearer.
It makes one wonder where the rumor even stems from.
Back to the Clubhouse
This rumor was initially broadcasted into the ether on Clubhouse. A source notes Wack 100, whose clients included Blueface brought up his claim during a chat in a Clubhouse.
Oddly enough, the question remains, what reason would one have for fabricating such a story?
It is not clear if there is a rationale. We know that The Game is adamant about his stance. He knows what he didn’t say, and that’s the end of the story.
So did this rumor come out of thin air? We know that The Game did have something to say about the lineup before the Super Bowl.
The Game hopped on social media, stating.
“FYI: @losangelesconfidential Should’ve been on stage at the Super Bowl I’ll be the first to say it,” along with the caption, “Shit brazy fr.”
Clearly, this statement does not address Jay-Z.
Breaking Down the Rumor
Now there is no record, at least written, of Game saying anything about Hov. However, there is undoubtedly a record of him being icy about the lack of inclusion. So one could assume that this rumor flowed from the artist’s earlier response.
Still, The Game wasn’t feeling all warm and fuzzy. A lack of confirmation beyond that makes all other comments unfounded speculation. One thing is for sure, assumptions can take on a life of their own.
The Game Speaks on It
The Game wasn’t letting anyone get away with anything. He made sure the waiting public got what they were looking for. He provided a statement. In his remark, he gave the organizers of the halftime show several props.
“It was a GREAT SHOW featuring iconic artists. It was a WIN for the culture.”
And that was the end of it.
On Track to Doing Better
Truthfully the Game’s earlier post indicated he felt a certain way about the lineup. However, what can’t be done is attribute a statement to someone without proof. The Game has a point; people can’t believe and run with everything they see on social media. Discernment and impartiality are critical focal points for the hip-hop community in 2022. Don’t’ start nothing want be nothing! So here is to shifting the publics approach to narratives.
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Written by Renae Richardson
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