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YSL Lyrics Used Against Them As Evidence In RICO Case By Georgia District Attorney



Image via Billboard

Art is a great way to express yourself, except when people use it against you. For Young Thug and Gunna their YSL lyrics from Slime Language 2 are now evidence in the RICO case they are facing.

Since the indictment of the 28 members of YSL on May 9, 2022. Rap lyrics have been evidence. But this is a controversial topic for a lot of folks. The Fulton County prosecutor claims the lyrics are overt acts in the RICO conspiracy and should be evidence. Other states, such as New York, have actually created legislation to limit the use of song lyrics in criminal trials. Considering they are a form of art and not a depiction of reality.

What YSL Lyrics Are Problematic?

A few of the songs that the prosecution point out as evidence are Young Thug’s song Anybody. Along with Take it to Trial, Ski, and Slatty.

The District Attorney states the lyrics “serve in preserving, protecting, and enhancing the reputation, power, and territory of the enterprise YSL.” In particular the lyrics cited in documentation include. “I killed his man in front of his momma, like fiick lil bruh, sister, and his cousin.” “‘Kill em, not leaving a trace.” Although Thug is not accused of murder. But he is accused of renting a car later used for a killing.

Gunna’s attorney states that the indictment falsely shows his music as a part of a criminal conspiracy. Rather than just lyrics. However, Fani Willis, the district attorney for Fulton County district says “The First Amendment does not protect people from prosecutors using lyrics as evidence.” Willis’ goal is to remove the entire YSL group for the community. Since they are being portrayed as a gang and a threat to the community. Again thanks to lyrics.


Brittany Belizor

Brittany is a creative storyteller who has been working across multiple industries for over 10 years, where she has developed a reputation for creating stories that are both thought provoking and engaging. She is determined to set the industry on fire through her words, so stay connected for the ride.

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