Moreover, the rapper circulated ruthless memes targeting Adidas with which he had a feud with. Blaming Adidas for excluding him of all meetings and stealing his designs. Following shading over Daniel Cherry, Kid Cuti and Pete, he wrote on one of his meme posts: “Hi guys I’m back. Sorry to take so long to post. Just had a good meeting with Kim about the schools. But on another note, I’m sure this pic gonna send Adidas stock through the ceiling. So, it makes sense now that when I wanted to sale JP Morgan went silent,” he added. Kim tried to calm down the situation, but nothing seems to cool down Kanye temper.
Mean statement! But that’s just the beginning. He took on Instagram and mimicked Pete, writing: “Leave him alone. Hi North, I’m Skete. Look at my tattoos. I’m a pawn sent here to antagonize your dad in hopes that he’ll do something illegal so we can take him out of your life.’ The rapper was just aghast that Pete got tattoos of his kids and ex-spouse.