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LeBron James Comes To Tom Hanks Defense After Yelling At Paparazzi



Image via CNN

LeBron James is on Tom Hanks’ side. In a recent video clip, Hanks understandably lost his cool after the paparazzi and fans were swarming him and his wife Rita Wilson. As the couple was heading to their car, a fan got too close to both of them, which led to Wilson almost falling to the ground. Hanks eventually turned around and yelled, “Back the f*ck off!” before getting into his car.

LeBron James Defends Tom Hanks

Shortly after the video went around on the internet, the entrepreneur took to Twitter to comment on the video. “I just saw the Tom Hanks clip of his wife almost being trampled over by the paparazzi. What the fuck ever happened to personal space??” he tweeted. See the full tweet below.

Paparazzi Vs. Celebrities

Along with Hanks and Wilson, other celebrities have had their share of hectic paparazzi interactions. In 2014, Katy Perry tweeted a photo of a lengthy note she wrote calling out the Australian paparazzi. The note read “You should be ashamed of your paparazzi & tabloid culture. Your paparazzi have no respect, no integrity, no character. NO HUMANITY.” She then describes her experience with older men stalking her on a beach. The men continued after she continuously told them to give her her space.

In 2013, Kanye West walked out to Paparazzi at his house at 4 am. After one photographer asked West how he was doing, he replied “Y’all out here trying to make money off us. That’s how it’s going. It’s 4 am. It’s 4 am and you ask me how it’s going. You know I don’t want you to say nothing to me,” he said. While the paparazzi are out there trying to take the best photos for money, as human beings, they should understand that celebrities are humans too and need their personal space. Not only can it be mentally exausting for them, but also a safety hazard to getting that “perfect shot.”

Written By: Roy Lott

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