Renowned director Allen Hughes has long been a name synonymous with exceptional filmmaking. To his credit, he boasts an impressive career spanning three decades with a...
When one hears the name, Floyd Mayweather, the mind races to the ring. But today, “Pretty Boy,” Mayweather is the topic of conversation for an entirely different...
According to Carol, a whole bunch of The Game’s valuable possessions just went under her ownership for only one thousand dollars. The “West Side Story” artist’s storage unit...
The mysterious and unsolved murder of rap icon Tupac Shakur has haunted the music world for over two decades. In a surprising turn of events, a...
Director Allen Hughes believes the late legendary rapper 2Pac would have been Oscar award-winning actor Denzel Washington’s competition. Allen Hughes is known for his work on “Menace II Society” (1993),...
Attention art fanatics! On Wednesday, April 12, Mana Contemporary lit up the art world by launching two amazing exhibits, “Out of Character” and “From the Feet...
Tupac’s estate won the battle over the “Makaveli” painting. A judge granted a motion to dismiss claims against Tupac Shakur’s estate dealing with the ownership of...
There was a time when Hip hop and Hollywood were seen as two separate lanes. The idea was preposterous when hip-hop/rap artists expressed a desire to...
Few eras of Hip-Hop are filled with as much mystique and intrigue as the 90s. Much of that is due to crazy and hard-to-believe stories around...
In an announcement on Wednesday, Ma$e revealed that he is signing a deal with Death Row Records. The Harlem rapper will be the first artist to...