To celebrate 50 years of Hip-Hop, Apple Music has released an audio series titled Hip-Hop DNA. The 20-episode series will focus primarily on New York City’s influence...
Funk legend and Cincinnati icon Bootsy Collins has put together a brand new record with the help of some fellow soul-train trailblazers. Bootsy Collins Presents Funk...
Today, September 30, Kid Cudi released his new highly anticipated album Entergalactic & a Netflix series of the same now that goes along with it. In an...
Mary J Blige hits the stage again as she’s warming for tonight’s (July 27th), Apple Music Live performance. The artist spoke with Apple Music’s Nadeska regarding...
Multitalented Joey Bada$$ officially has a brand new project and some exclusive details about his life to share. Joey Bada$$ has finally dropped the much-anticipated follow-up to his...
Drake’s latest release, Honestly, Nevermind, is dominating the hip-hop news cycle right now, as per any Drake release. Everyone and their mother is taking to social media...
Post Malone, in particular, expressed that while he enjoys TikTok, he can’t force himself to create one for marketing purposes. TikTok has become a staple for marketing,...
Kanye West announced earlier this week (Feb. 17) that Donda 2 will drop only via Stem Player, to the chagrin of many fans. The bold move...
Lil Baby has been named the most-streamed artist by Vevo. This is the second year in a row that he has had that honor. Vevo released...
She’s a woman scorned! A beautiful R&B songstress who decided to put her pain into her music. On November 5, she released her highly anticipated album Still Over It....