BET+’s library of original content continues to grow. They have just revealed the release date for their highly anticipated thriller, “Incision.” This film, with its gripping...
The tumultuous divorce between Kanye West and Kim K is slowly coming to an unceremonious end, but neither celeb is out of the woods just yet....
After a disastrous interview with R&B sensation Kehlani, a spokesperson for The Morning Hustle, fired back on social media, claiming the singer was less than graceful. The...
Jim Carrey has a message for Hollywood. The Canadian actor spoke with CBS Gayle King on Sunday evening about the drama involving Will Smith and Chris Rock...
The story between Ye, Kim Kardashian –and Pete Davidson, of course– appears to have no end anytime soon. Over the past few days, West has taken...
Ye continues to find himself at the forefront of popular news. The Atlanta rapper has taken his divorce with ex-wife Kim Kardashian hard. It seems by...
Communication face-to-face is hard enough, but ask $NOT and Doja Cat, sending written messages can often lead to accidental feeling-hurting. Sometimes, we’re an emoji or a...
Sometimes a walk down memory lane brings peace. Other times it brings anger. And yet, sometimes it brings both. Lashing out in a post yesterday, India...
The Game ignored another court hearing connected to his alleged sexual assault case. Currently, he is in hot water for it. The Game’s Cameo Profits According...
Lil Xan, aka Diego, has taken to Live to accuse his former manager, Stat Quo, of funneling drugs. The rapper went on tour a few years...