Former New Orleans police officer Robert “Uncle Bob” Hoobler passed away over the weekend. The man known as Uncle Bob received notoriety for saving the life...
Master P continues his success in the food industry by releasing a delectable frozen treat! The cold concoction called New Orleans Style Snow Cones has different...
Lil Wayne has returned for the sixth Lil WeezyAna Fest. Wayne will headline the festival starting at the end of August. Musical guest will join Lil...
During an interview with Fox & Friends, No Limit founder Master P shared some insight into how he became successful. The famous No Limit record label owner...
Master P and his record label, No Limits Records, were very famous in the 90s. He and the artists that were attached to the label are...
Some power has begun to return to the people of Louisiana. Still, the road ahead will be a difficult one for the state. As of Tuesday...
Dr. Walter Kimbrough, Dillard University’s self-proclaimed “Hip-Hop Prez” announced Monday he will be stepping down in May 2022. Kimbrough ends his decade long tenure as the...
Juvenile And Birdman Squash Beef And Release Joint Album Salutations FM Trendsetters! The internet and social media are buzzing harder than a bee hive when you...
#NewMusic August Alsina ft. Lil Wayne – Why I Do It!
Jay Electronics Fires Shots @ Drake & J.Cole (Video)