In a not so surprising turn of events, Future takes shots at Russell Wilson once again. Future, who shares a child with his ex, the talented...
Multiple people and companies joined forces to create a documentary about Atlanta’s legendary strip club, Magic City. Drake’s Dream Crew Entertainment, Jermaine Dupri, Jami Gertz, and Cole Brown...
Quavo and Offset have settled their beef and made it a statement at The BET Awards. The pair honored their late group member, Takeoff, at the award show. Hip-hop was proud...
Another one *DJ Khaled voice* Mega Producer Metro Boomin joins the list of artists selling their music catalog for a pretty penny. Bruce Springsteen, Justin Bieber, Dr. Dre,...
Let’s just say Cardi B and Offset know how to celebrate Valentine’s Day. The “Up” rapper and her husband was spotted out in New York City....
HYBE America has entered an agreement to merge and acquire Quality Control (QC Media Holdings, Inc). Variety first reported the big announcement. Quality Control is an Atlanta-Based Business QC is an Atlanta-based...
As the prime suspect in Takeoff’s murder got out from jail on bond, more details appear from the fatal night of the artist’s death. It’s been...
The man charged with the murder of Takeoff has been released from jail on a $1 million bond. This is according to court records. Patrick Clark...
As the police continue to investigate the night of Nov 1, the story behind Takeoff’s murder is slowly revealing. According to a search warrant affidavit filed...
Yesterday, Nov 1, was a tragic day for the hip-hop and rap community as the talented and highly gifted Takeoff from the group Migos passed away. Takeoff was with his...